Competition OBAL ROKU

About the competition

OBAL ROKU is a prestigious and certified competition that annually celebrates the best innovation, creativity and sustainability in the packaging industry. The event provides a platform to showcase the latest trends and technologies, as well as honor those who create cutting-edge packaging with an eye on the environment and society.

OBAL ROKU 2024 competition offers a unique opportunity for companies, designers and manufacturers to showcase their packaging design skills, increase brand awareness and establish new business contacts. The competition is open to entrants from various industries such as food, beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics and more. The aim of the competition is to highlight and subsequently promote the best ideas, innovations and technologies in the field of packaging that appear on the market. At the same time, there is an opportunity to appreciate the work of packaging constructors and designers at the award ceremony at the Gala Evening of the OBALKO packaging congress.

The competition for the best packaging solutions OBAL ROKU, certified by the global packaging organization World Packaging Organization, is the gateway to the world competition WorldStar Packaging Awards.


Competition schedule

  • 24 April 2024 - opening of applications.
  • 5 August 2024 - closing date for applications.
  • 12 August 2024 - start of staging of the submitted packaging exhibits.
  • 23 August 2024 - last day for delivery of sample packaging exhibit (outside the agreement).
  • 27 - 29 August 2024 - jury. The jury evaluates packaging from the point of view of innovation, product protection, user requirements and environmental impact, as well as in terms of legislation and marketing
  • 29 August 2024 - informal After Party. For applicants, jury and friends of packaging. The winners of the competition will be informally announced at the After Party.
  • 9. September 2024 - delivery of documents for the trophies of the awarded exhibits
  • 17 October 2024 - awards winners and awards
  • Promotion of finalists - from the moment of registration until August 2024

Awards ceremony

Trophies and certificates will be presented to representatives of the companies awarded exhibits in the competition at the gala evening of the packaging congress in October 2024. The winners of the gold, silver and bronze of the JURY PRESIDENT AWARD will be announced during the gala evening.

You can contact us here

Organization of the competition

Iva Werbynská: +420 730 173 101,

Categories ot the competition


Entries are broken down by area of ​​use into categories:

 Automotive / Transit Beverages Cleaning and Detergents Cosmetics Design Touch E-commerce Electronics and Appliances Food Design & graphics Labels Luxury Marketing Pet food Pharmaceutical products POP&POS displays Processes and Technologies Beer Design Touch - can Beer Design Touch - bottle Beer Design Touch - label Others

Special award of the competition

Packaging Print Prize

Jury President's Prize
The Best Of The Best of three TOP packaging solutions; gold, silver and bronze versions.

Sustainability Award
The best packaging in terms of recyclability, sortability, reusability Patron is EKO-KOM.

Packaging Print Prize
Packaging Print Prize for exceptional quality / innovation in packaging printing under the patronage of the Společnosti tisku z.s.

Award of the Minister of the Environment
The award given by the Minister of the Environment, Mr. Petr Hladik


Evaluation criteria

In the Packaging of the Year competition, submitted packaging is evaluated against several key criteria that reflect various aspects of packaging design, innovation and sustainability.

Here is an overview of the main evaluation criteria:

  1. Innovation: this criterion assesses originality and creativity in packaging design, including innovative use of materials and technology. The uniqueness of the idea and the ability to differentiate from competitors in the market are assessed. The degree of innovation may include not only innovative design elements but, if justified, may also include innovation in terms of material and energy savings, etc.
  2. Functionality: The practicality of the packaging, its ease of handling and usability for the user shall be assessed. Ergonomics, safety and user comfort in handling the packaging are important. Consideration shall also be given to the correct presentation of mandatory information on the packaging and the emphasis of marketing functions. It is assessed whether the packaging fulfils the function for which it was designed: protection, handling and transport, information, marketing. Compliance with regulations is also assessed in this category if the packaging is subject to any legislation (e.g. food contact, Packaging Act, etc.).
  3. Technical workmanship: The criterion covers the quality of the material, the construction of the packaging and its functionality. The criterion also includes an assessment of the manufacturing design in accordance with available technologies. The stability, durability and longevity of the packaging shall be assessed, as well as the accuracy and quality of the design. In the case of an emphasis on the material, the characteristics of the material must be based on its properties, as evidenced by the applicant's technical data sheet, tests from certified laboratories, etc. The technical design and functionality of the exhibit should be consistent with the description and specification presented. This criterion evaluates the graphic and/or structural design of the packaging, its visual and aesthetic value in relation to the target group for which it is intended and with regard to the function of the packaging (see criterion Functionality) and the type of packaging (sales, group, transport). The ability of the packaging to reflect the brand identity and appeal to customers is important.
  4. Packaging characteristics that affect the supply chain or logistics processes and flows are assessed. The evaluation should consider the benefits from the perspective of the recipient of the packaging solution, packaging or innovation. From a packaging perspective, the following areas of logistics are essential - storage, transport and handling. Packaging properties and specifications: dimensions, shape, strength of the packaging.
    Resistance of the packaging to climatic and mechanical damage.
    Dimensional compatibility with transport means, storage systems and other logistics standards.
  5. Suitability for transport, handling and storage: marking, handling methods, stackability, compliance with regulations governing international transport (e.g. dangerous goods). In case of argumentation of tests (e.g. drop, vibration, etc.), the applicant shall provide evidence by certificates, technical data sheets, etc.
  6. Sustainability and social responsibility: sustainability is assessed in terms of packaging eco-design, i.e. efforts to prevent (reducing material resources, energy and water consumption) and recyclability of the packaging (including sortability by the consumer and on re-sorting lines). Social responsibility is assessed for packaging with a charitable focus.
  7. Common sense: when trying to make packaging as sustainable as possible, we must not forget its basic functions: product protection, ease of handling - convenience of use, transport, sales - marketing tool. Last but not least, its technical feasibility and the amount of information that must be included on it. On the other side of the scale is minimising the impact of packaging on the environment.


Each of these criteria plays an important role in the evaluation of the packaging entered in the OBAL ROKU competition. The difficulty of the evaluation lies in the different weighting of these criteria in the evaluated categories. Participants should take all aspects into account when designing their packaging in order to achieve the most comprehensive evaluation. The aim is that the packaging that will be awarded the status of "OBAL ROKU" will be unique in the Czech-Slovak region and will stand a chance to win the international "WorldStar Packaging Awards."